About Keith

Keith Barnard is a prolific composer, also dedicated to exploring the relation between music, colour and healing.
He resides in London, and is also a poet.

Keith in concert at Burgh House - early 80s

Keith in concert at Burgh House – early 80s

He has been performing his music in many countries since the early 80s.
He studied composition at Trinity College of Music with the late Arnold Cooke, himself a pupil of Paul Hindemith.

He has been a private music teacher since 1972. Composed numerous scores and taken part in many concerts and recitals in England and overseas.
Interested in the relationships in music, healing, and colour.

Performed by other musicians in the UK, USA, and Italy. Keith has performed in the UK, USA, Thailand, Canada, Russia, Germany, Greece, Romania, Austria. and has composed works for piano, organ, chamber, vocal, choral, orchestral music including 8 symphonies. There are commercially released CDs and many other recordings made.

Keith has composed poetry in differing styles and has read his work on many occasions.

Keith recording in 2014

Keith recording in 2014

Carson Cooman:
“The music of English composer Keith Barnard (b. 1950) explores a deep emotional terrain through a personal musical language forged through years of intense spiritual exploration. His mystical style draws together diverse influences, including the traditional Romantic pianistic tradition represented by Chopin and Liszt, the coloristic French impressionism of Debussy and Ravel, the 20th century mysticism of Alan Hovhaness and, above all, the music and philosophy of Alexander Scriabin. As an active pianist himself, Barnard has frequently appeared in concert throughout Europe performing his own works for piano. His music for the instrument ranges from short pieces up to “The Secret Tones of the Divine Spheres,” a one-movement piano work of nearly three hours duration. Besides piano music, he has written a chamber opera, four orchestral symphonies, concerti for cello, piano, and organ, and numerous chamber works. In the recent years, at the suggestion of organist Carson Cooman, he has composed a series of organ works including, “The Purest Silence of the Divine,” an evening-length organ cycle.”

Gordon Rumson on Keith Barnard

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Keith Barnard – composer and poet